In addition to distribution, Telegram Co.also have a retail arm. We operate and Milligram stores across Melbourne. We also operate on behalf of LAMY in Australia. (formerly NoteMaker) has been operating for ten years. It is an online hub for design stationery lovers -and those who admire stunning design in home and lifestyle objects too. We were proud to add our own small-but-exceptional range to the site in 2017: Milligram Studio.
Visit us:
Visit us: Milligram.Studio
Milligram stores
Following the success of our first foray in physical retail, Milligram continues to bring our online retail experience into the physical realm. Opened in November 2017, the Melbourne Central store stuck a cord with shoppers and was an immediate success. Since then, we’ve opened stores in Doncaster and Highpoint, and on Lygon St in Carlton, with more to come!
Visit us: Find our store locations and opening hours here.
We operate the official online LAMY retail site for Australia, The site carries the full range of LAMY in Australia, plus offers detailed brand, designer and product information. We also periodically run pop-up mall store sites.
Visit us: